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Alonso Duarte, PhD

By donating to Alonso's campaign, you're investing in:

  • Student Success: Ensuring every student in Fairfield Suisun USD feels safe, supported, and equipped for success.
  • Safe and Healthy Schools: Promoting a nurturing learning environment for all students.
  • Career Opportunities: Expanding career and technical education to prepare students for the future.
  • Quality Education: Attracting and retaining top-tier teachers through competitive wages.
  • Community-Centered Schools: Developing schools that foster learning, health, and community engagement.




Contributions to Duarte for School Board  2024 are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes. State and Federal law requires us to obtain and report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer for each individual who contributes. 

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Committee to Elect Alonso Duarte
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